Pee Dee Baptist Bulletin Board


  • Psalms Sunday: Sunday, January 26th. Come and worship with us through song, scripture and testimony.
  • Ministry of Men: Meeting February 22nd at 8 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Women’s Bible Study every 2nd and 4th Saturday’s at 8 a.m. here at the Church.
  • OCC January collection: Stuffed Animals
  • Valentine's Banquet February 15th at 5 p.m. : 
  • Wednesday Bible Study: The Book of Hebrews.
  • Parking: Please consider checking in the back for available parking so we can make room for guests visiting the church. 
  • NEW TEXTING PLATFORM: In January we began using a new platform for updating PDBC announcements and prayer requests. If you haven't signed up, beginning in January please contact Bro. Kyle or Bro. Robert about being added. Old platform will no longer receive texts or emails.
  • Children’s Worship Packets: Activity packets available for children to help them engage with the worship service and take home to share with the family. Packets are in the foyer.
  • Church Improvement Fund: Help update and maintain our facilities. Building Fund envelopes provided or specify in memo of the check.